Wednesday 24 February 2016

Cancellation of the visit to the Parque de las Ciencias, Granada

Unfortunately, the session at the Parque de las Ciencias will not be run. In few words, this activity has been negatively recommended by the Commission which regulates the development of the PIIISA Program in Granada. I'm sad to hear this, but must obey the Commission.
It brings us to concentrate all the activity we have to do to fulfill our project in the two remaining sessions. May the power be with us. But let's be optimistic and run an electrophoresis on wednesday, next week


  1. It's really sad. After seeing the hard work the students have done last weeks.
    Is there any explanation for the negative recommedation?

  2. PIIISA is a Students-Teachers-Scientics Partnership (STSPs) with completely freedom to create activities which motivate students for Science…so this kind of decisions are senseless.

  3. Not only senseless; it has no-sense. Granada's PIIISA comission is a good instrument but but into the wrong hands
    Francisco Mtez-Abarca Pastor
